South African Defence Force has been deployed to various places in KwaZulu Natal and Johannesburg, Gauteng to come on board and help police to maintain law and order.
The deployment of the army, comes after as police are outnumbered by looters and strikers in most places where violent crime is taking place.

The South African National Defense Union’s Pikkie Greef explained what the deployment would mean: “The role is very similar to what we saw during level five of the lockdown last year and that is to essentially protect the SAPS members who are trying to sort out these violent acts and criminal acts. They are not deployed to enforce the law but are rather deployed to protect the SAPS members who enforce the law.”
More than 300 people have been arrested for public violence in Gauteng and KwaZulu-Natal and investigations are under way into six deaths.
Mass looting of shops and malls continues.
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