Oh No! China Limit Kids Online Gaming to Three Hours a Week

The Chinese government is becoming a dictatorship state by a seconds not a day. They started cracking the whip on tech companies while with some they took minority stake. Now China’s national Press and Publication Administration has released a notice impose restrictions on online gaming for children.   

Starting from September 1st, video game companies will have to to restrict gaming time to three hours a week from 8 PM to 9 PM on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The Chinese authorities claims that gaming has negative impact on kids mentally due to gaming addiction in the country. 

“Tencent expressed its strong support and will make every effort to implement the relevant requirements of the Notice as soon as possible,” the company statement reads.

In order to implement those time limits, game companies will have to leverage a real-name-based registration system. Gaming regulators will regularly check whether gaming companies comply with local regulation.

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