Understand the Value in Taking one Step back to take Several steps Forward

The #1 underrated move in business and in life is to take one step backward. Too often, people’s egos and insecurities around what other people are thinking won’t allow them to move backward financially — drive a less fancy car, live in a less fancy house, go on less fancy trips. The truth is, these small steps “backward” can actually be the launching pad for the rest of your life. 

When I was 34 years old, I took a big step back. I had just invested in Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr and had a whole new world of opportunity open to me. Check out the full story on my Instagram. I could have started a venture capital firm, but instead, I pivoted and started my agency, VaynerMedia. It might have been a counterintuitive move to some, but the point is that I followed the path that made ME happy.

Doing what you love might be the longer play, but it’s worth it. Have the humility to give up short term gratification for long term satisfaction. You’ll thank yourself in the end. 

Gary Vee

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